The SoWell Blog

Paying for GLP-1 Medications: Will Insurance Cover It?
GLP-1 medications give most people sticker shock. Here's how to get insurance to cover your med.

Are GLP-1s Right for You?
With all the buzz surrounding drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy, you might be wondering if they’re a good option for you. Here's what you need to know.

6 Health Benefits of GLP-1s That You Haven’t Heard Of (Yet)
You’ve heard that GLP-1 agonist drugs like Ozempic help manage diabetes and support weight loss, but the list of health benefits linked to these drugs is growing by the day....

The Ozempic Revolution: The Truth About GLP-1s And How To Make Them Work For You
GLP-1 Drugs Are Not a Vanity Weight Loss Fad—They’re A Medical Breakthrough!

We’ve Cracked the Fiber Code
Why Your GLP-1 Journey Needs More Than Just Any Fiber If you're on Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro, you've probably heard the advice: "Just take some fiber." But if you're among...

Optimize Your Digestion for Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss, most people focus on what they eat. But how your body processes that food might matter even more. Recent research has unveiled a fascinating...

Your Muscles on GLP-1s: Two Strategies That Will Change Everything
There's a science to maintaining your strength while losing weight on GLP-1s, and it's simpler than you might think. Meet Amelia: a CrossFit enthusiast and Orange Theory regular who loved...

Trust Issues: Rebuilding Your Relationship with Food
For many of us, our relationship with food feels complicated – full of rules, restrictions, and trust issues. We've been through cycles of restrictive dieting followed by rebounds that leave...

Lab Marker Deep Dive: Triglycerides
LAB MARKER: Triglycerides TESTED IN: Weight Biology Kit CONNECTED TO: Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, too much fat around the waist You might have had a lipid...

Why Labs Matter More Than BMI
BMI isn’t totally worth throwing out the window, but labs are more accurate than BMI when it comes to identifying disease.

Love Notes From Your Labs
Your lab results aren't just numbers on a page - they're messages about your metabolic health. Each marker tells a story about how your body is functioning and where it...

Lasting Romance: Measuring What Matters
When we expand our view of progress beyond the scale, we often discover that the most meaningful changes are the ones we didn't expect to measure at all. A Guide...

Protein 101: The Guide For GLP-1 Users
One of the most essential shifts you can make when on a GLP-1 is prioritizing protein in your diet. Let’s dive into why—and how to make sure you’re getting enough.

Fiber 101: The Guide For GLP-1 Users
Backed up and on a GLP-1 medication? You’re not alone! The good news is that constipation isn’t a requirement while on these meds; you just need to know how to eat and...

Ingredient Spotlight: Collagen Protein
Why collagen should be a priority during weight loss

How Vitamin B6 Helps with GLP-1 Side Effects
When doctors first began prescribing vitamin B6 for morning sickness in the 1940s, they couldn't have imagined how relevant their discovery would become in 2024. Today, this simple vitamin is...

Power Plants: Inside Your Cellular Energy Crisis
Right now, your body is operating 37.2 trillion power plants - one inside each of your cells. These microscopic energy factories are responsible for converting everything you eat and drink...

The Willpower Myth: What Science Reveals About Weight Management
When it comes to weight management, we've all heard the same advice: "You just need more willpower." This oversimplified view has dominated weight loss conversations for generations. But what if...

Let’s Talk About the Scale: From Anxiety to Acceptance
A note from SoWell founder Dr. Alexandra Sowa about weighing in as a daily habit: Does the thought of stepping on a scale make you want to avoid it at all...

Your Body's Five Love Languages
You've probably heard of the five love languages in relationships, but did you know your body has its own love languages too?! Let's explore how understanding these biological communication systems...

The Toxic Relationship Between Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease
February is here and the air is buzzing with love and heart-shaped gift boxes, but let's face it, some relationships are toxic. At the top of the list? Insulin resistance...

Is Your Excess Weight a Health Risk?
Ultimately, you're the final authority on what weight is best for you. Here's the info you need to make educated decisions about your health.

7 Most Common PCOS Symptoms
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects 1 in 10 women worldwide, with symptoms ranging from irregular menstrual cycles and infertility to weight gain and insulin resistance. For many women with PCOS,...

The 90-Day Reset: When Systems Sync Up
Understanding your body's natural timeline is key to managing PCOS and hormone health effectively. While we often expect quick results from health interventions, hormone balance follows a precise biological schedule—one...