Resources for Your GLP-1 Journey
Here you'll find links to every resource mentioned in Dr. Sowa's book, The Ozempic Revolution: A Doctor's Proven Plan to Help You Reverse Obesity, End Yo-Yo Dieting, and Protect Yourself From Disease!
Keep scrolling on this page to find links to our community, free GLP-1 Goal Getter Challenge, and more.
⚖️ BMI Calculator
Click here to calculate your BMI with our BMI calculator!
📐 Printable Tape Measure
Click here to download our Printable Tape Measure and learn more about the importance of waist circumference for overall health.
🫐 Hunger Scale + Food Log
Food logging is a cricitcal Habit Foundation within the SoWell Method for longterm weight management.
But food logging this way isn’t like using MyFitnessPal or a diet app. You’re not counting calories, or even macros. You’re actually going to log a few things: what you ate and when, how hungry you were, and what mood you were in.
And you’re definitely not stressing about your log. The goal is to eat as usual, and record your choices and the circumstances around them without judgement. Missing a day or a meal isn’t a sign that you’re bad, or carless, or not meant for this journey. It’s a sign that you’re a human being adopting a new habit.
After downloading this digital version of the food log, store it wherever it’s most accessible – on your phone, tablet, or computer. Then, create a daily alarm to remind you to log. The best time to log is right after you eat – most people have terrible food recall, and by the time 24 hours have passed, they have no idea what they ate the day before.
🗓️ Meal Planner Worksheets
Click below to download:
Meal Planning is a critical Habit Foundation of the SoWell Method, putting you in the driver’s seat of your food choices.
It disentangles you from that relentless, never-ending question: What am I going to eat next? It allows you to think about your choices once a week, instead of twenty-one times, day in and day out. It allows you to make the majority of your food choices in an optimal state, when you’re well-fed and relaxed.
We recommend weekly meal planning: setting a time once a week to sit down with your calendar and plan out all the meals for yourself and anyone else you’ll cook for in the next seven days. Then, get the groceries you need or make a plan for shopping.
Long-term, weekly meal planning is the goal. But if that’s not the season you’re in, you can still get many of the benefits by using a daily meal planning tool too.
🥬 Guide to Low Carb Eating
Click here to download The SoWell Method Guide to Low Carb Eating.
Low-carb can be intimidating at first, but it’s a great option for GLP-1 users who aren’t losing weight or are losing too slowly. In cases of metabolic dysfunction, such as type 2 diabetes or PCOS, eating low-carb can help speed up the process of healing. For people with a very sensitive gut—dealing with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, or Crohn’s disease—low-carb eating can be transformative, fixing years of what the gastroenterologist could not.
Within this guide, you’ll find an outline for SoWell Method approach to low-carb eating. Keep an open mind, remember to maintain emotional neutrality, and don’t be a perfectionist about it! The goal is progress, not perfection!
🧠 Cognitive Behavioral Training Tool Kit
Click here to download.
The SoWell Method isn’t just about new food habits. Mental Foundations are a huge part of finding success on this journey.
In order to change your behavior, it’s important to learn how to manage your triggers and become intentional in your thinking.
In order to rewire your negative thoughts, you need to understand where they are coming from! Use this worksheet to track events that trigger negative thoughts and beliefs so you can start to rewire them.
📝 Printable Shopping List
Click here to download.
This list is for all GLP-1 users! Make these your go-tos for managing symptoms as you titrate up on your dose. If you’re having any recurrent side effects, stock these at home, but also in your purse or backpack.
Want to simplify your shopping? The GLP-1 Support System provides you with 17 side effect support ingredients in delicious, convenient stick packs.

21-Day Strength Training Program
We've teamed up with acclaimed strength coach Holly Rilinger to bring you the ultimate strength training routine for GLP-1 users.
GLP-1 Support Group
Connect with others on the journey and get exclusive check-ins from Dr. Sowa.

Join Dr. Sowa for 28 Days of GLP-1 Habit Building
With this free challenge, you'll get daily emails sent straight to your inbox to make it easy! Join today, start tomorrow.