Backed up and on a GLP-1 medication? You’re not alone! The good news is that constipation isn’t a requirement while on these meds; you just need to know how to eat and what can help things move along.
Fiber is a game changer for constipation, but that’s not all fiber can help with. For anyone who has health goals that include balancing blood sugar, losing weight, and lowering the risk of heart disease, consider fiber to be your #1 friend!
Fiber Keeps You Regular on Your GLP-1—And Supports Your Other Health Goals
GLP-1s cause slowed gastric emptying, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On the plus side—it’s one of the reasons you’re not as hungry on these medications. But you don’t want things to slow down too much, or you’ll suffer from uncomfortable side effects like bloating and constipation.
But that’s not the only reason fiber is excellent for GLP-1 users. Fiber has been shown in many studies to lower the risk of excess weight, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and/or heart disease. Which—aren’t these the reasons you’re on a GLP-1 in the first place? It’s a win-win.
If you’re thinking, “Oh, I’m probably eating enough fiber in my diet,” keep in mind that only 5% of Americans are meeting adequate intake levels of fiber to reap the benefits. Let’s dive into the recommended amount of daily fiber intake that experts recommend for GLP-1 users.
How Much Fiber Do You Need?
The clinical recommendation for GLP-1 users when it comes to fiber varies slightly based on sex. Experts recommend get 21g/day for females and 30g/day for males.
To give you an idea of how much fiber is in the food you’re eating, a dinner of grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and ½ cup of brown rice has roughly 8g of fiber.
The catch-22 for GLP-1 users is that foods with a lot of fiber tend to be high-volume and can sometimes exacerbate certain side effects like nausea—or just make it hard to eat enough calories.
That’s why we created SoWell Fiber — the first and only fiber supplement designed specifically for GLP-1 users to get all the benefits of fiber without any of the downsides.
SoWell Fiber: The Only Fiber Formulated for GLP-1 Users
SoWell Fiber was specifically formulated by our founder Dr. Alexandra Sowa—who has helped countless GLP-1 patients reach their goals—to help you get enough fiber conveniently, quickly, and comfortably (AKA without digestive upset!). Here’s why we chose the specific ingredients in the formula.
Psyllium Husk Makes Bathroom Breaks Easier—And Helps Balance Blood Sugar
Psyllium husk fiber is considered the gold standard in fiber supplements because it is effective for not only constipation but also possesses numerous other health benefits.
When studied for constipation, it’s shown to significantly change the microbiota of stool, making it easier to pass. Its effects are even more pronounced for constipated patients. That means it can help prevent constipation—and it can help move things along if you’re already struggling.
It has also shown significant blood-sugar-balancing effects in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes while lowering lipid levels. (By the way, if you want to track your blood sugar and lipids at home, you can do so with our Weight Biology Kit).
Better labs and better digestion? That’s what we call a win-win.
Magnesium Glycinate Relaxes Digestive Muscles Without Overdoing It
Regular magnesium intake is inversely associated with chronic constipation. AKA, you want to make sure you’re getting enough on a daily basis to avoid unnecessary constipation.
But not all forms of magnesium are created equal. Some types of magnesium have a laxative effect, but that is not the kind of magnesium we included in SoWell Fiber. Because it’s important to be consistent with taking fiber for its health benefits, we would never want to cause you to run to the bathroom with diarrhea (it’s the opposite, actually).
Magnesium glycinate is considered a superior form of magnesium because it provides the magnesium needed to prevent constipation while also calming the body and mind.
Bacillus Subtillus Probiotics Support Long-Term Gut Health
A healthy, happy gut is one that is less prone to GI side effects. Taking care of your gut’s microbiome with probiotics helps support a healthy digestive system. Bonus: gut health is tied to immune health and brain health, too!
But there’s something you need to know if you’re in the market for a probiotic. Many probiotics are prone to dying off before they reach your digestive tract, which means they are essentially useless.
The probiotic we included in SoWell Fiber—Sporevia®—has a protective outer layer that survives processing and allows the probiotics to get to your gut where they can benefit you.
A Stick Pack a Day Keeps Constipation at Bay
It can be hard to hit the recommended amount of fiber per day, especially if you’re on a GLP-1 medication. At the same time, fiber is especially important for GLP-1 users, so sometimes you need to get creative with getting enough into your diet.
SoWell Fiber makes it easy. Drinking one glass a day can help prevent constipation and help you reach other health goals.
Plus—it tastes better than any other fiber on the market. Just ask our taste testers, or give it a try for yourself.