The SoWell Blog

The 90-Day Reset: When Systems Sync Up
Understanding your body's natural timeline is key to managing PCOS and hormone health effectively. While we often expect quick results from health interventions, hormone balance follows a precise biological schedule—one...

7 Most Common PCOS Symptoms
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects 1 in 10 women worldwide, with symptoms ranging from irregular menstrual cycles and infertility to weight gain and insulin resistance. For many women with PCOS,...

Is Your Excess Weight a Health Risk?
Ultimately, you're the final authority on what weight is best for you. Here's the info you need to make educated decisions about your health.

The Toxic Relationship Between Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease
February is here and the air is buzzing with love and heart-shaped gift boxes, but let's face it, some relationships are toxic. At the top of the list? Insulin resistance...

Understanding the Link Between PCOS and Diabetes
While PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome, and diabetes may seem to be unrelated at first glance—there’s actually more overlap between the two conditions than you might think. According to the CDC,...

48 Natural Remedies to Treat Symptoms of PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can be difficult to treat, but an individualized approach can go a long way toward long-term wellbeing. Hormonal conditions don’t present the same for everyone, so...

Here’s How To Lose Weight When You Have PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, is the most common hormonal disorder affecting women of child-bearing age. Its effects on hormone levels can cause infertility, skin issues, abnormal...

Insulin Resistance & PCOS: Related or Not?
If you have PCOS does that mean you have insulin resistance, and vice versa? It’s a complicated answer simply because not every woman with insulin resistance goes on to develop...

What Role Does the Thyroid Play in Your Body and Your Weight?
Here’s how your thyroid, and the hormones it releases, impacts your health and your waistline. Think of the thyroid as the personal assistant to your major organs and bodily functions....

The Role of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Your Health and Your Weight
What is obstructive sleep apnea? Learn about the condition, as well as its relationship to your health and weight. The thought of not being able to breathe while you sleep...

What Is Metabolic Syndrome and What is the Criteria for Diagnosis?
The word metabolism gets thrown around often, as people talk about how efficiently their bodies burn calories. But while your metabolic rate gets all the attention, it’s your general metabolic...

What is Insulin Resistance and Why Is It Important?
The terms insulin and insulin resistance often come up when discussing diabetes or blood sugar. But what is insulin resistance, really? The answer requires a bit of an explanation of...