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You’ve Received Your Results, Now What?

You’ve already taken the first step in your health journey by testing your metabolic markers with our Weight Biology Kit and are now armed with the information to improve your...

You’ve already taken the first step in your health journey by testing your metabolic markers with our Weight Biology Kit and are now armed with the information to improve your health and prevent certain diseases. If there are some biomarkers you want to focus on in order to improve your health, you’re not alone! 90% of our community discovers some areas of opportunity. 

Here are some suggestions from the SoWell team on how you can see new results on your next round of testing:

    1. Lifestyle Changes – your first set of labs should be used as a baseline for improvement. Changing your diet and adding in exercise is not easy, but will improve your metabolic health. Retesting your labs 3-4 months after incorporating your initial lifestyle changes will allow you to see how your new choices have improved your metrics.
    2. Cholesterol – if your cholesterol levels were concerning, consider focusing on your heart health. Some easy things you can add to your routine include eating heart-healthy meals and supplements like our GetSoHeartHealthy, which consists of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that support wellness in your heart, brain, bones, and respiratory system. 
    3. Elevated Blood Sugar – adding in regular exercise, monitoring your carb intake, adding more fiber to your diet, and staying hydrated will help improve your numbers on your next round of testing. We also like the custom blend of Berberine, Chromium, and Cinnamon we assembled in our GetSoBalanced supplement for managing blood sugar levels. 

As always, we recommend you discuss your lifestyle changes with your physician. Our test arms you with the results you need to take the next steps to improve your health!


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