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Is BMI Like TMI?!?

If you’ve ever been worried about how much you weigh or you’re on a journey to weight loss, you’ve probably heard of BMI. The first thing most people on a weight loss journey do is measure their weight. Simply standing in front of the mirror and judging isn’t going to cut it. Generally, the most efficient way to measure your physique is by finding out what your BMI is. It will inform you if you need to lose weight or If you’re on the right side of the scale. To give you a better understanding, let’s find out what BMI is.

BMI is an acronym for body mass index. It is a measurement unit you get from the height and weight of a person. BMI is usually a tool used to find out if a person is within a healthy weight range or not. It measures if you’re within the average body composition or not. This knowledge could help you set up a suitable fitness regime for you. The body mass indicator informs you if you’re within the average weight, overweight or underweight. The tissue mass determines your result.

There are different categories the BMI results fall into, and below is a breakdown of each category. It tells you what your result means for your weight.

Underweight: if you calculate your BMI and it is below 18.5, then you fall into the underweight category. This result usually means there could be complications with your health, so you need to see a doctor to address this.

Healthy weight: if your BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9, then you have a healthy weight. This category is the ideal category, but you have to maintain this weight and not add extra kilos with time.

Overweight: if you find out your BMI falls between 25 and 29.9, you are within the overweight category. If you get this result, then it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. When you fall within this category, you can start making better lifestyle choices that concern your health and fitness.

Obese: This category is for those with a BMI of 30 and above. If you have a BMI within this range, then you should see your doctor. You also need a fitness instructor to help you develop an ideal plan to tackle your weight. If you remain within this range for a long time, it could cause damage to your body.

When your BMI is too high, it means you might have too much fat in your body. However, a low BMI is usually an indication that you have too little fat in your body. The higher your BMI is, the greater chances you have of developing a serious health condition. Some of them include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and much more. However, a low BMI isn’t a good idea either. It can lead to bone loss, anemia, and even decreased immune function.

Your BMI is just a number – a standardized measurement tool. It can’t tell you if you’re carrying excess fat nor can it differentiate between fat and muscle. The BMI number also doesn’t take in a person’s age, gender, or muscle mass so be gentle with yourself and know everyday is a clean slate to start anew progressing towards your health journey. 



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